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Cornell University

Uganda: Golden Bees Ltd.

Overall Goal

The goal of this SMART project is to assist in developing the Golden Bees Ltd. brand and increasing its visibility, as well as to provide tools and insights to improve company operations.

Company/Business Location

Kampala, Uganda

Company Profile

Golden Bees Ltd. is a private business established in Kampala in 2008 to produce apiary products and provide beekeeping services to local beekeepers. Staffed by 12 full-time employees, Golden Bees produces honey, beeswax, candles, and bee propolis. These products are currently sold in retail outlets and supermarkets in and around Uganda, though the company’s short-term goal is to expand to the regional export market.

In addition to the sale of commercial products, Golden Bees Ltd. also trains and collaborates with approximately 6,600 smallholder beekeepers, providing them with skills and inputs as well as a market for their raw products.

Proposed Team Tasks

The specific tasks of the Uganda SMART team will be:

  1. Increasing company visibility through branding, social media, and website support;
  2. Documenting the value chain to create a brand that appeals to tourists;
  3. Developing record-keeping tools to help the company track its targets and sales; and
  4. Supporting the development of a business plan.

Desired Skills

The skills and background that would be beneficial (but not all necessary) for this project include:

  • Good understanding of business (especially market analysis, value chains, and human resource management) and development frameworks;
  • Competence in financial modeling and accounting software;
  • Graphic design and/or website development skills; and
  • Familiarity with ecotourism/agritourism.

Fieldwork Dates

Tentative dates: January 4-17, 2020.

Team Leader

Krystal Zwiesineyi Chindori-Chininga | Global Development-CALS |

Additional Information

Company Website:
Company Facebook Page:

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