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Cornell University

Rwanda: CARL Group

Overall Goal

To support the CARL Group in strengthening its business through market penetration, careful financial management, and improved human resource and operational strategy.

Company/Business Location

Kigali, Rwanda (Nyarugunga sector)

Company Profile

CARL Group is a youth-led private company that was established and registered in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2014. It was founded when four young entrepreneurs identified that adding value to orange-fleshed sweet potatoes might help to encourage the consumption of the highly nutritious crop. With eight employees, the company currently produces and sells bread and biscuits made from orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. These products are very rich in beta-carotene, which is the major source of Vitamin A, and thereby help to address the high levels of Vitamin A deficiency among young children and pregnant/lactating women in Rwanda.

CARL Group sources its raw materials from individual farmers and cooperatives, and also partners with various institutions for capacity strengthening and research purposes. CARL products are sold in supermarkets and grocery stores in Kigali, primarily to low- and middle-income urban consumers who understand the value of nutritious foods. Moving forward, the company plans to open stores in other parts of the country and reach more consumers nationwide.

Proposed Team Tasks

The specific tasks of the Rwanda SMART team will be to:

  1. Develop a marketing and branding strategy highlighting CARL Group’s unique selling point to allow for more successful market penetration;
  2. Create record keeping and financial management tools to allow the company to better track its financial flows; and
  3. Offer suggestions and insight into the human resource and operational strategy currently employed by CARL Group.

Desired Skills

The skills and background that would be beneficial (but not all necessary) for this project include:

  • Strong understanding of business (e.g. market analysis, value chains, financial management, modeling, etc) and development frameworks;
  • Research, analytical and writing skills (e.g. publishable case study); and
  • Knowledge in fields such as nutrition and/or global health, food science, economics/management, marketing, policy and human resource skills.

Fieldwork Dates

Tentative dates: January 6-18, 2020.

Team Leader(s)

Jarra Jagne | College of Veterinary Medicine |

Robert Swanda–TA | Biomedical and Biological Sciences |

Additional Information

Company Website:
Company Facebook Page:

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